Maestro Matthew Lazar Receives 2021 Cohon Memorial Foundation Award

The Board of Directors of The Zamir Choral Foundation congratulates its Founder and Director, Maestro Matthew Lazar on receiving the prestigious Cohon Memorial Foundation Award for his work benefiting Klal Yisrael, the people of Israel.

Achievements for the Cohon Award are considered in the areas of Unity, Education, Rescue, and Creative Arts. Matthew will be awarded in the area of Creative Arts.

“As a conductor, arranger and producer of the Jewish musical experience over considerable time, and before worldwide audiences, Mr. Lazar truly brings a major cultural service to Klal Yisrael,” the Cohon Memorial Foundation announced. “The music programs, concerts, and conversations he has organized around the world have engaged tens of thousands in Jewish music and Jewish community and have facilitated the creation of over 35 invaluable compositions and recordings that are now part of the choral repertoire.”*

The Memorial Award was set up by Baruch and Claire Cohon, in honor of Baruch’s parents Samuel S. Cohon and Irma Cohon. Both Samuel and Irma Cohon always valued the individual over the label and the welfare of total Jewry over that of any part. 

“It is an absolute honor to have been nominated for the Cohon Memorial Foundation Award,” said Maestro Lazar. I, too, was imbued by my parents, Jacob and Sylvia Lazar, with a deep love for Klal Yisrael and a deep appreciation for how the music and text of our people can inspire, educate and unify us all.” 

Maestro Lazar will receive the Award on Friday, March 4th in Tucson, Arizona.