Register Now for the North American Jewish Choral Festival

Where Singing Takes Center Stage

JULY 14 – 18, 2024 | Westchester County NY

Enjoy Five Magical Days of a Life-Changing Musical Experience

Experience the joy of singing extraordinary Jewish music – rehearse with accomplished conductors –join a vibrant choral community – and meet hundreds of like-minded people of all ages — all while enjoying an uplifting and memorable get away.

“A fantastic week of music, memories, and sheer joy!”

Register Now

Daily Community Sings

Workshops & Seminars

“Instant Ensembles”

Evening Concerts

Share your voice.
Uplift your spirits.
Create glorious sound.

This musical tapestry of hundreds of participants includes amateur singers, professional soloists, cantors, conductors, and lovers of Jewish music.

Come together to savor and be nourished by the spectrum of Jewish music—contemporary, folk, classical, and traditional.

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Love Jewish Music? You Have to be There!